由客家歌手林生祥號召組成的「⽣祥&瓦窯坑3」樂團,玉鳳在此以琵琶︑三弦︑月琴融入當代新民謠創作,2005年榮獲第16屆金曲獎最佳樂團、最佳作詞︑ 最佳客語演唱專輯。
Release Date: 2004
Label : Trees Music &Art
16th Golden Melody Awards
Winner for Best Band
Winner for Best Lyrics
Winner for Best Hakka Album
With Sheng Xiang & Water 3, a band started by the Hakka singer-songwriter Lin Sheng-xiang, Yufeng played the pipa, sanxian and yueqin, adapting them for use as backing accompaniment for Lin’s contemporary folk music compositions. The highly-acclaimed album won Golden Melody Awards for best band, best lyricist, and best Hakka album in 2005