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講座 / Lecture



日期 :2018.8.4 / 19: 30-21: 00

地點 :晃晃書店(台東市漢陽南路139-1號)

入場:NT 200  (可抵店內消費150元,支持臺東在地小書店長期經營)

Yufeng will be giving a lecture about her experiences of cross cultural collaboration at the Cat Books independent bookstore in Taidong County.

Date: 2018.8.4

Time: 19:00-21:00

Location:  Cat Books, Taidong

Entrance:  NTD 200, or purchase of a drink or book  to support the independent bookstore

Earlier Event: July 19
廣播 / Radio Broadcast
Later Event: August 8
廣播 / Radio Broadcast